Get the results you WANT from your communications.
You know what you want your marketing materials to
do, but youre not quite sure how to go about it.
Or, you and your staff have great writing abilities
but company downsizing has left you short handed. Maybe
you are just starting that business youve always
dreamed of, but dont know how to market yourself.
Under these conditions, creating effective communications
can be remarkably difficult. But with the help of Janet
Parkhurst, you can easily achieve the kind of results
you want and need from your promotional efforts.
Identify Your Business Goals
- Build a higher sales volume
- Increase awareness of your company or product
- Generate more inquiries from materials
- Identify and reach customers more effectively
- Establish a distinctive branding for your company/product/service
- Launch a new product or service successfully
- Create a strong, competitive stance in the marketplace
- Restore a bruised image and regain the confidence
of your customers and credibility within your industry.
Whatever your marketing challenges, Janet can help.
Armed with a strong background in marketing and advertising,
she has the tools to help you create impactful, rewarding
A sound marketing plan, much like a business plan, is
key to assuring success in every endeavor a firm undertakes.
When adhered to, a well-mapped marketing strategy helps
you, incrementally, realize your goals and objectives.
A good marketing strategy, while taking into account a
companys history or past performance,
also anticipates the various scenarios a business cam
find itself subject to: unprecedented growth, new product
development and/or line extensions, increased (or decreased)
customer demand, a changing marketplace, and more. Like
a good insurance policy, it leaves you equipped to anticipate
challenges and obstacles, and includes the means to design
solutions you might employ to meet and solve them. With
a sound marketing strategy, rather than a fly-by-the-seat-of-your
pants approach, you have a reliable, check
point plan in place, which empowers you to ACT rather
than REACT. Your success strategy puts you
in control and positions you to drive the company to whatever
level you wish.
Once the marketing strategy has been developed, it makes
sense to evaluate your current materials to ensure that
they meet your new marketing criteria and, as the case
may be, reflect your new image. This starts with a thorough
analysis of all current advertising and marketing communications,
beginning with branding and identity vehicles
(company logo, including corporate colors,
tagline, profile brochure, web site, cards/letterhead/fax
covers, etc.) and continuing on with product/service
sales brochures, catalogs, direct mail packages, sales
letters, collateral, and more. This materials/communications
review should be done periodically even when
an established identity and marketing strategy are presently
in place -- to ensure an accurate, consistent message
and image. Since the most effective image modification
is accomplished gradually, rather than overnight, Janet
believes in working with what is already there. Instead
of recommending sweeping, expensive changes all at once,
she helps clients determine which pieces can be adapted
or slightly revised, as opposed to those that need to
be newly created to accommodate a new direction. From
there, Janet develops a new promotional/marketing materials
plan based on priority and budget. Together, she and
her clients then establish a timetable for its introduction
and implementation.
Many clients request a materials Analysis & Planning
independent of developing a marketing strategy. Janet
assists in evaluating how effectively current materials
work, and identifies materials that should be updated,
combined, replaced or even eliminated.
Her expertise will help you ensure your message is
consistent and timely, and that it conveys your company
image in the best way possible.
While Janet is often contracted to contribute creative
concepts to new product launches or line extensions, a
large number of clients hires her to develop fresh approaches
to their day-to-day communications. As a result, many
marketing materials benefit from a new direction or focus
and/or graphic presentation (see DESIGN,
PRINT & PRODUCTION). Additionally, many companies
have developed a new marketing strategy, and need copy
written to reflect the new directives. Still other clients
opt to add sales brochures or direct mail packages to
their promotional strategy, refresh a lagging web site
or inject a new voice into their communications
to match a significantly revamped image. In all cases,
Janet provides clear, concise, persuasive copywriting
that brings the kind of results her clients have come
to expect.
Writing projects
have included:
- Print ads
- Catalogs
- Brochures
- Collateral
- Direct mail pieces
- Hand-outs or take-aways/leave-behinds
- Web site content
- Product guides
- Sales sheets
- Sales letters
- Instruction manuals
- Feature articles
- Advertorials
- Newsletters
- Press releases
- Case histories
- Company and CEO profiles
- Radio spots
- Speeches
- Audio visual scripts
- Training video jacket copy/inserts text
Some companies prefer to write their own materials but
ask for Janets recommendations and/or editing
services. Often, she is called upon to proofread text-heavy
materials. Whatever your advertising or marketing copywriting
needs, Janet can turn them around in a professional,
timely manner.
Although Janets background includes graphic design
and print production, she prefers to focus on copywriting
and consulting. However, clients needing design and printing
in addition to copywriting can obtain those services easily
and conveniently. Through working in partnership with
nearby graphic design, print production and web design/development
experts, Janet is able to provide full-service
when needed. As a result, many a client project has been
successfully produced from concept through completion.
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