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The writing samples presented here only partially represent Janet’s work. If there is something specific you are looking for, you can request the sample(s) on the Contact Janet Page. Or, call her at: 508.543.3106.

Thanks for your interest!

Ads: Appleseed’s (Fall Fashion), Beverly Healthcare (Emerald Court Facility), Suffolk Construction,
The Sheraton Smithtown, Princess House, Cogent Research (Knowledge is Power), Spectrumedia (Position Your Business)

Advertorials: MicroFinancial, Inc., Citizens Bank, Belmont Springs

Brochures: Thomson & Thomson (Domain Name Watch), Haschem & Baaj (Rocky Knoll
Estates), Greater Boston Academy/Edgewood Elementary, MicroFinancial, Inc./Leasecomm Corporation, The Torrey Company, InterPay, Upromise Investments (HI529 Program), Worldwide Social Marketing (Kidsave Program)

Catalogs: Princess House (The Princess House Collection), Luminess Jewelry
(The Luminess Collection), Holt & Bugbee Lumber Manufacturer and Distributor , Ross-Simons

Collateral: KVS Design, Princess House

Company Newsletters: Thomson & Thomson (The T&T Times), The Sheraton Smithtown (Dateline),
The Wilmington Hilton (The Innsider), Santa Clara Valley Health & Hospital System (Connections)

Company Publications: Princess House (Showtime)

Direct Mail: Greater Boston Academy/Edgewood Elementary, Thomson & Thoson’s Canadian Trademark Database (Weighty Trademark Decisions), Prime Directive (Crewed Charters)

Executive Addresses/Profiles: Princess House (Stephen Zrike, CEO, Dolores Antunes, VP/Sales)
Boston Mutual Life Insurance (Executive Speech)

Ghostwritten Articles: The Sheraton Sturbridge Inn & Conference Center (Industry Magazine), Princess House’s “Tomorrow’s Heirloom (Showtime Magazine)

Humor: Plain Sense Tips for The Unemployed

Inserts: Princess House (Summer Bonus Offer), Luminess Jewelry (Double the Glamour, Double the Sparkle), Ross-Simons (Only $595/Save$2000)

Journalism: The Foxboro Reporter (The New Nightshift), The Duxbury Clipper/Point South Magazine (Double Dose of the Cape), Coastal Communications/The South Coast Insider (No Sweat Strategies for Easy Outdoor Entertaining)

Mini Catalogs: Princess House (Celebrate Summer, Gift Giving the Easy Way, A Bridal Gift Album)

New Product Rollouts: Thomson & Thomson (Saegis), Princess House (Dighton Rose), Luminess Jewelry (The Luminess Collection)

Postcards: Thomson & Thomson’s Domain Name Watch, Next Level Realty (Shopping For The Right

Product Flyers: Princess House (Marching Bunnies: “Yours For A Song,” Perfume Atomizer: “Beautiful Scents”), Luminess Jewelry Bangle (Bracelet/Earrings: “Show Off!”)

Product Inserts: Princess House (Santa’s Workshop, The Dighton Rose) EGGstasy Decorative Eggs

Press Releases: Thomson & Thomson (Thomson & Thomson Doubles Common Law Coverage for U.S. Full Trademark Availability Search)

Recruitment Ads: MicroFinancial, Belmont Springs, Applebee’s, Hazen Paper Company, Zoots, Citizens Bank

Sales Letters: Coldwell Banker (Summary of Services), Home Plan Designs (Customer Letter)

Sales Materials: Princess House (Sales/Travel Promotions)

Self Mailers: Home Plan Designs’ Trade Expo Mailer, Greater Boston Academy/Edgewood Elementary Handout/Mailer, Thomson & Thomson Canadian Trademark Research Brochure/Mailer

Technical Bulletins: Canadian Trademark Search

Web Site Content: Thomson & Thomson, Premium Auto Detailing, Holt & Bugbee, Home Plan Designs, Broadway Family Chiropractic , Mama Sama Chocolates , Upromise Investments

Telephone : 508.543.3106

Janet L. Parkhurst
| 23 Elm Street #3 Foxboro, MA 02035